This week has been a watery one on Gardenista. We've measured water, stored water, and stopped ourselves from diving straight off the deep end. Maybe our rain dances have helped, because it poured in California on Wednesday. While we wait for more rain, here are a few things we've loved recently:
- Above: Blossoms + Coffee = No Brainer. Photo courtesy of Nicole Franzen.
- On a recent trip to New York, Michelle spotted unexpected blooms on the Upper East Side and shared with everyone via Instagram.
- Landscape architect Christine Ten Eyck knows a thing or two about drought-friendly gardens.
- Above: Practicing an ancient art: textile edition.
- Hot pink food, naturally. Spotted on Pinterest.
- Sunset's 11 Eco-friendly Tips for Indoor/Outdoor Living.
- Where spent flowers go to get recycled.
- Above: A no water, no-fuss bouquet that will last for weeks.
- A shadow house in the middle of the desert.
- Want to live waste-free? Pee on your plants.
- Above: A Swedish sauna like you've never seen. Photo courtesy of Windgardhs.
- A calendar inspired by eating local.
- 12 Easy Snacks for Kids. Picky kiddos? See Fruit Roll-Ups for Happy Kids (and Moms).
- Above: Stylish Storage Solutions from a Brooklyn Designer on Remodelista.
- Dress your herb garden up with these.
For more from this week on Gardenista, see our issue on Water Crisis. And let us know if you're pro-Rain Gutter or pro-Rain Chain.