Snoop Dogg is a gardener (who knew?), Picasso's house and garden are for sale, and we almost missed it all because we spent the week in The Wilderness:
Camping this weekend? Bundle up and eat well.
Rhythm and beets: Meredith clued us in to Snoop Dogg's adoption plans.
Mirror, mirror. Who's the fairest?
Tongue Pot, the new "it" destination.
Thank you, Daniel Start, for divulging hidden secrets.
Bets on whether Michelle can keep her fiddle leaf fig alive for another week?
Destination: Dim Sum.
Above: Photo via Corcoran.
A Belgian art dealer is asking $220 million for a Provençal manor house with a special provenance. (And have you seen those painterly views?).
Foolproof weekend menu.
Above photo via Andersson-Wise.
We're nomophobics. But can make an exception.
If Heidi is excited about Punch, count us in too.
Carmon Almon's Bordeaux apartment.
Erin has a very, very talented little sister.
There's a softer side to kale.