Remodelista editor in chief Julie Carlson loves fresh produce, and happened to have an empty spot on the patio just off her kitchen. All she had to do was move a garden bench to create enough space for a raised bed garden.
Above: The finished garden bed in Julie's side yard is made of two 48-Inch Square Cedar Raised Garden Beds stacked on top of each other; currently on sale for $34.88 each (down from $44.97) at The Home Depot.
Above: Julie chose a variety of herbs and vegetables by Bonnie Plants from The Home Depot. Here, a Husky Cherry Tomato seedling; $4.98 each at The Home Depot.
Above: She planted a flat of Sweet Basil seedlings (sold in peat pots you can plant directly into the soil); $4.98 each at The Home Depot.
Above: For a summer of salads, Julie added three varieties of lettuce, nasturtiums, and pansies and planted the lot in 22 cubic feet of Nature's Care Organic Garden Soil; $7.99 per 1.5 cubic-foot bag at The Home Depot.
Above: Nasturtiums and pansies, both edible flowers, also add color to the garden.
Above: Julie's garden bench, in the foreground, found a good home on the other side of the garden.
Above: The garden bench, formerly perched in the garden's sunniest spot—perfect for tomatoes, less so for people.
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