Take a look at what's on our radar. Spoiler: We can't help it, we're having a London moment.
- Above: Spending the summer in London? This sounds like something out of a dream: a roving gin garden. Photograph by Olivia Rae James.
- Fire pits come in many shapes and sizes, and they're all beautiful.
- What you'll think when you see this wildflower eye candy: There'll always be an England.
- Above: We're craving this teak indoor/outdoor bench from our new favorite UK-based retailer, Rowen & Wren. And we know just where we'll put it.
- A handy gardener's guide to June, whatever your zone.
- The best part of a summer wedding: the blooms. Here, eight gorgeous centerpieces.
- Above: If you're reading this in London, and can tear yourself away from the gin garden (see above), get to Open Squares now.
- And next weekend: Look for us at GROW London! We're offering ticket discounts for Gardenista readers.
- Above: Lilac Pruning 101. Don't wait; prune now for the best bloom next year. Photograph by Justine Hand.
- Party-ready outdoor rooms for entertaining.
See how we lead up to Father's Day by celebrating the gentleman gardener in this week's Cool Dads issue, and how Remodelista celebrates the male aesthetic in their Cool Dads issue.
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